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                200MM super jar bottle making machine

                Plastic Jar Making Machine

                Machine Picture

                Semi-automatic bottle blow molding machine is suitable for producing PET plastic containers and bottles from 50-2000ml. It is widely used to produce the carbonated bottle, mineral water, pesticide bottle oil bottle cosmetics, wide-mouth bottle etc


                1.Perfect function with economic investment.

                2.Small size and compact construction with no space waste.

                3.Easy to operate and maintain,operation by one person.

                4.Saving power and uneasy to worn out.Adopting new double crank four bars to lock mould,the cross fixed. Providing high pressure blowing system.

                5.We can provide performs and cap moulds for different bottles to meet customer's requirem

                 Max.volume of productl2cavity¡Á2L
                Production capacityPcs/h800-1100
                Neck size of producemm<75
                CLAMPING UNITTemplate effective areamm340¡Á350
                Max.mould thicknessmm200
                Min.mould thicknessmm120
                Mould strokemm140
                Clamping forcekn80
                Stretching strokemm360
                AIR SYSTEMWorking pressureMpa¡Ü1.0
                Blowing air pressureMpaYM-2000¡Ü3.0
                ELECTRICAL SYSTEMPower of machinekw0.1
                Installed Power of heaterkw9
                MACHINE SIZEWeight of machinekgs485
                Weight of heaterkgs200
                Machine sizem1.45¡Á0.59¡Á1.65
                Heater sizem1.8¡Á0.58¡Á1.35