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                One-and-a-half automatic blowing machine Wide-mouth bottle blowing machine

                TH-2000-B Type two-step semi-automatic blowing machine blowing expertise within the 2-liter mineral...

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                The two-part automatic blow molding machine

                The Taihui semi-automatic blow molding machine meets the CE standard. Controlled by a microcomputer...

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                China Low Price Small Semi Automatic Bottle Blowing Machine

                TH-2 (five liters and one out) semi-automatic blow molding machine is suitable for polyester (PET) ...

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                500ML 4 cavities new-design blowing machine specially for less 600ml/cc


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                200MM super jar bottle making machine

                Plastic Jar Making MachineMachine PictureSemi-automatic bottle blow molding machine is suitable for...

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                5 Gallon Semiautomatic Blow Molding Machine

                IntroduceTH-5 blow molding machine mainly use to blow 3gallon and 5gallon plastic bottle. Both once...

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