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                5 Gallon Semiautomatic Blow Molding Machine


                TH-5 blow molding machine mainly use to blow 3gallon and 5gallon plastic bottle. Both once-use bottle or re-use bottle. And also can blow 5liter to 25liter plastic pet bottle.

                Volume of product: 10-25L(3-5gallon)

                Production capacity: 60BPHp.

                Drawing of the 5gallon pet plastic bottle

                TH-5 Semiautomatic bottle blow molding machine( For 3-6 gallon )


                TH  blow molding machine is especially used to produce 3 gallon and 5 gallon bottles and is widely used to produce any shape of plastic from PET with neck finishes from 15mm-200mm.

                ¡ñ Perfect function with economic investment.

                ¡ñ Small size and compact construction with no space waste.

                ¡ñ Easy to operate and maintain ,operation by one person .

                ¡ñ Saving power and uneasy to worn out ,Adopting new double crank four bars to lock mould, the cross fixed. Providing high pressure blowing system.

                ¡ñ We can provide performs and various bottle& cap molds for 5 gallon and 3gallon bottles to meet customer's requirements.

                Max.Volume of ProductsL25
                Theoretical OutputPCS/HR120BPH: 1 blower
                       220BPH: 2 blower
                Neck DiameterMM150
                Max.Container DiameterMM300
                Max.Container HeightMM500
                Max.Mold ThicknessMM400
                Mold Opening Stroke
                Working PressureMpa0.8-1.0
                Blowing PressureMpa3.0
                Heater PowerKW22
                Measurement of Main MachineM2.18x0.77x1.96
                Weight of Main machineKG1000
                Measurement of OvenM2.37x0.68x1.65
                Weight of OvenKG380