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                Taizhou Taihui Machinery co.,ltd.

                Taihui located along the sea coast of east of China,which ia famous known as "land of plastic mold" - Huangyan,Taizhou, Zhejiang. Our company has been established for over 10 years. We have a professional factory which has been specialized in designing and manufacturing PET automatic / semi-automatic blowing machines, extrusion blowing machine, injection machines and various types of plastic molds, plastic preforms and plastic products for many years. Our company has professional techniques complete with processing equipment, such as CAD/CAM/CAE processing centers and electrical pulse. There are many professional mould designers, engineers and high-level bench workers in our factory. We specialize in the production of the following machinery:

                Our products sell well in China and are exported to customers in America, the EU, Asia, Africa and the Middle East,and win a great honour because of our competitive price and high efficiency and world-class service. We are consistently obedient to advanced design opinions and skillful manufacturing technologies to satisfying our customers. We warmly welcome domestic and overseas friends to come to our factory for long-term cooperation.

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                Large capacity bottle automatic
                blowing machine .

                1. It adopts microcomputer control system, which has manual and automatic modes, simple operation and stable performance. 2, using infrared lamp heating, strong penetrating power, preform rotation heating, uniform, fast and reliable

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                PET fully automatic one out four.

                1. Simple operation and convenient maintenance. We can control and view the operation status of the whole machine through the man-machine interface. If there is a fault, the machine will automatically emit a whistle through the alarm device, and the man-machine interface can find the fault location accurately and conveniently, so that the maintenance personnel can repair it in time.

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                Automatic series blow molding machine

                5 gallons, 5L 10L 20L automatic pet bottle blowing machine

                You may have questions as follow :1. How about the spare parts?We will send one year enough easy br...

                TH-A1 Automatic bottle blowing machine for cosmetic bottles

                Automatic Bottle Blowing Machine for Plastic Jar , Hand feeding PET Wide Mouth Blow Molding Machine...

                TH 2-cavity pet blow molding machine for mineral bottles

                a.High Innovation: 1),Cooperation with different atmospheric pressure for blowing  and mechani...

                Pet automatic one out four blowing machine

                Mechanical characteristics1. Simple operation and convenient maintenance. We can control and view t...


                Technology & News Support

                The responsibility of every employee of our company is to make customers satisfied with their contribution to the value transfer process. The integrity, strength and product quality of Taihui Machinery Co., Ltd. have been recognized by the industry. Welcome friends from all walks of life come to visit, guide and negotiate business.