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                Pet automatic one out four blowing machine

                Mechanical characteristics

                1. Simple operation and convenient maintenance. We can control and view the operation status of the whole machine through the man-machine interface. If there is a fault, the machine will automatically emit a whistle through the alarm device, and the man-machine interface can find the fault location accurately and conveniently, so that the maintenance personnel can repair it in time.

                2. High energy consumption and low waste, we have a stable infrared heating system blowing and a highly accurate blow mold closing system to ensure quality.

                3, the mechanical structure design is reasonable and the floor space is smaller

                Mechanical model: TH-4000

                Chinese name: pet automatic one out four blowing machine

                Cavity number: 4

                Theoretical yield: 4000p/h

                Blowable capacity: 10ml-2000ml

                Maximum height of the bottle: 320mm

                Maximum diameter of the bottle: 110mm

                Blowable tooth size: 18-45

                Total power consumption: 54KW

                Mechanical configuration

                Man-machine interface: Taiwan Delta

                Controller: Taiwan Delta

                Electromagnetic valve: Taiwan Yadeke, South Korea PMC, Germany Festo, etc.

                Steam cylinder: Taiwan Yadeke, Japan SMC, Germany Festo, etc.

                Sensor: Korea Autonics

                Relay: Japan Omron, France Schneider

                Note: All our accessories are made of international high-tech products.

                技术参数   General InformationTH-5000-4 cavity
                  合模力 Clamping Force80 T
                  开模行程 Clamping Stoke350mm
                  最大拉伸 Max.Stretching Stroke420mm
                  瓶底行程 Bottom Moving Stroke0-50mm
                  腔数 Number of Cavities4 Cavity
                  产量 Theoretical Output1.6-0L:8000-2000-3000 BPH
                  最大模厚 Max.Mould Thickness400mm
                  模板尺寸 Mould plate size630x340mm
                  功率 Total Power(Full Loaded)10-25KW
                  高压♀空压机 Min air compressor7.2m3/min 3.0Mpa
                  低压空¤压机 Min air compressor2.0m3/min 1.0Mpa
                Electrical System
                  电压 Voltage Standard380v/3PH/50Hz or special order
                  加热区 Number of Heating Zone4 Sections
                  功率 Total Power(Full Loaded)88KW
                Container 制品容积
                  最大制品←容积 Container Volume1.0-6.0L
                  瓶口尺寸 Neck Diameter Range38-60mm
                  最大直径 Container Diameter300mm
                  容器高度 Container Height400mm
                Air system
                  低压系统 Low Air compessor8-10Bar
                  高压系统 High Air compessor30-40Bar
                Net dimension & Weight(LxWxH)净尺寸和净★重
                  主机 Blow Molding Machine855x200x200cm
                  上料机尺寸 Preform Autoloader  210x120x220cm
                  净重 Net Weight8.8T