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                TH-A1 Automatic bottle blowing machine for cosmetic bottles

                Automatic Bottle Blowing Machine for Plastic Jar , Hand feeding PET Wide Mouth Blow Molding Machine Manufacturer 1. Machine application field Single cavity or two cavities, can blow all kinds of shapes, different volumes of candy-jars, other shapes of containers using PET as... 1. Machine application field Single cavity or two cavities, can blow all kinds of shapes, different volumes of candy-jars, other shapes of containers using PET as material. 2. Features of machinery for blowing PET jar 1.Using hydro-pneumatic linkage mold clamping mechanism which runs stably with high speed and great clamping force. 2.The control system adopts man-machine interface with Mitsubishi PLC which is of high sensitivity and accuracy. 3.Using coated infrared heating lamps which enable fast and stable heating. 4.Using centralized noise-reducing air recycling system which minimize the noise as much as possible. 5.Using slide core in stepping unit which is easy to operate and saves energy. 6. Cooperation with different atmospheric pressure for blowing and mechanical action by dividing the blowing and action into three parts in the air pressure diagram of the machine; 7. Guarantee & Service a. Reply the email and take action in 24 hours. b. 100% Quality inspection before the shipment. c. Can training clients operator for free in seller's factory. d. Engineer overseas is available. e. Blowing mold and injection mold made original. f. Auxiliary machines for complete line. g. Customized design as requirements.

                TYPEITEMU N I TTH-AB2000-2-115-79-Z
                CLAMPINGClamping forceKN200
                Clamping strokemm140
                Stretching strokemm450
                Bottom strokemm30
                Cavity pitchmm115
                Number of cavitycavities2
                CONTAINERTheoretical outputbph1300-2400
                Max container volumeL2
                Max.neck outer diametermm26-90
                Max.container diametermm105
                Max.container heightmm320
                ELECTRICAL        SYSTEMNumber of Lamppcs32
                Max.heating powerKW30
                Installed powerKW32
                Actual electricity consumingKW8
                AIR SYSTEMOperating pressurekg/cm27
                Low pressure air consumptionLtr/min1200
                Blowing pressurekg/c©O¡Ü30
                High pressure air consumptionLtr/min2000-2500
                MACHINEMachine sizem3.3¡Á1.7¡Á2.0
                Machine weightT2.8
                Remark1.The actual output depends on the preform quality 3.Alldata standard indication for 0.6L bottle.and bottle shapes.
                       2.Specifications are subject to change without notice.