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                5 gallons, 5L 10L 20L automatic pet bottle blowing machine

                You may have questions as follow :

                1. How about the spare parts?

                We will send one year enough easy broken spare parts together with the machines, shipping together.During the warranty time, we will supply the spare parts, and the we will responsible the delivery charge.

                2. How long for installation?

                According your machines order, we will send one or two experienced engineers to your factory to help installation and training. It will take about 7 days to 15 days.

                3.  How to install my machine when it is arrives? How much the installation cost?

                We will send our engineers to your factory to help install the machines and train your staff how to operate the machines.Customers pay round - air tickets, accommodation and USD100 per day per person.

                4.  When can I get my machines after I paid?

                Normally production time is around 35-75 days, the exactly depend on what kinds of machine you ordered. The shipping time is based on your destination port.

                5.   What is your guarantee or the warranty of the quality if we buy machine from you?

                We offer high quality machines to you with 2 year guarantee with 2 years free spare parts and supply life-long technical support.

                ITEMUNITTH-1C5LTH-2C5L    TH-1C2L TH-2C2L  
                CONTAINERMax.container volumeL6532
                Max.neck diameterMM1201209090
                Max.container diameterMM200200120120
                Max.container heightMM350350300300
                Number of cavityPcs1212
                Theoretical outputBPH500-8001000-14001500-18003000-3500
                ELECTRICALMax.heating powerKW30381522
                Installed powerKW31391623
                COMPRESSED AIROperating pressureMpa0.7-1.00.7-1.00.7-1.00.7-1.0
                Low pressure air consumingL/min10001200700900
                Blowing pressureMpa<3.5<3.5<3.5<3.5
                High pressure air consumingL/min1500-18001800-22001200-16001200-1600
                WATER CHILLERPressureMpa0.5-0.60.5-0.60.5-0.60.5-0.6
                Temperature Degree8-128-128-128-12
                Flow rateL/min20-3020-3020-3030-40
                MACHINE DIMENSIONSize(L*W*H)M2.3*2.1*2.12.7*2.3*2.12.0*1.8*1.82.4*1.9*2.1